Florida vs California

Florida vs California

Things we enjoy.

Highlights From My Travels


Beach, Sand and Heat

The Beach is our favorite part of Florida.

It is probably the part me miss the most, I know there are beaches in California too, we used to live 3 miles from the beach, here we are 20 miles away.

But I will tell you what is the thing I least miss from Fl, the heat, and im not talking basketball team, im talking real-time weather. It is so hot in south florida the majority of the year.

California weather is much pleasant and I love seen the trees change color. The dogs love the winter time.

Fort Lauderdale beach Florida

Both places have the good, the bad, and the ugly, but places we call home.

One thing my veterinarian and I can agree on is, that California has help wonders on the health of the dogs. He said on time, any place is better than florida, I think is humidity, the factors that causes so much health problems,

he thinks is chemicals they use to kill mosquitos and other plages that affect the health of all animals in south Fl.

The good thing of Florida is the Beach, the good thing of CA is the weather, the bad thing of Fl is the weather, the bad thing of California is the air quality .

Pollution in the air of CA is a bad thing almost every day of

the year then forecast will said air quality is poor. Air

pollution is everywhere on this planet but it is concentrated

in certain ares, South California is one of them.

The ugly thing of Florida is hurricane season, the ugly thing

of California is wild fires. Both have their season hurricane

have their season every year. Wild fires happened every

summer in the entire state of CA.

The fires just add more contamination to the air making it so

hard to be outside, remember dogs noses have a long range,

the can sense smells miles away, for that fact smoke can

cause a lot of sensibility to their sense, can also cause

irritation to their eyes, during fires season we try to limited

outdoor time, also is summer and its hot they don’t enjoy the

outdoor anyways.

If I want to go until more details about the beauty of each

state I will never end, California has every single aventure

one car ride away. You drive two hours tenth west you have

the beach, you drive two – three hours to the north you have

the mountain, two -three hours to the east you have the

dessert. Is pretty exciting getting to total different scene just a

few hours ride.

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