Journal Newsletter

Like I mentioned before, we used to live in South Florida.

That’s where our history began.

The Journey to CA

We did a road trip to California, two years ago. We wanted to see the rest of the country and what better way to do that.

Yes, road trip fun, honestly i could be a bit tiring, with the wrong company. I’m blessed with a husband who doesn’t stop talking, like he never stops. So our journey wasn’t boring at all.

We were concerned about how the dogs were going to react to the car ride, thankfully they were pretty chill about a rides, they didn’t complain or were uncomfortable during the ride, except the day we ride through Colorado, that day temperatures were low, super low.

I may be exaggerating, but hey, I’m from south Florida !!! So they were cold and moving a lot, but i had a big blanket ready just in case, they also had they’re coats on, i purchased color matching coats for the occasion. You see we never needed them in Fl.

They entire trip across country took us about 7 days, half a day was wasted in northern Florida, thanks to Hurricane Michael (2018). The hurricane hit Tallahassee the day we were supposed to drive through the border of Georgia/Florida.


November 22, 2020

We took shelter on a safe area and waited until the next day, next morning we resume the trip, we had to make a few changes to the plan. Like, no time to walk in Georgia, we have to go directly to the apartment in Tennessee. We used AirBnB and Homeaway Apps to find places to stay more comfortable for the dogs than a hotel room. Besides hotels normally allowed only two pets per room, i have four, so it wouldn’t work .

Most of the places had a designated area for dogs or a back yard or a park near. It wasn’t cheap, throughout this blog you will see that i don’t bargain, i don’t know how to, I do used coupons and buy red tag items , specially my clothes.

Anyways we plan this trip a whole year, even with a last minute changes, we had considered a big chunk of the budget to comfort, for us and more focused on the dogs.

It was planned like that because we didn’t want to have them go to a unnecessary level of stress, been i the car was stressful enough.

How to plan the trip and their meal time?

My dogs eat two times a day, they normally go 12 hours between meals, sometimes less. From day one of the trip, we fed them breakfast early, we walked them a long walk, for the purpose of having them digest and have bowel movement, but also to get them tired so they can sleep for long hours.

Then we go to the map/gps aka Phone, to plan the route, we calculate the time and distance we could ride in that period of time, and we mark our stop there.

When we already knew were was our stop, we go search for a place to stay with that area, then we ride. Every gas stop was a pee-pee stop for them, snack for us, no snack for them we didn’t wanted them to be nauseous, they just drank water.

There was only one day were our calculations were off, we make it to the house in Utah already dark, and because we didn’t knew the area, we did risk it going for a walk after dinner.

But the entire trip when smooth, we are glad, they enjoy it, and so did we.


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